Hey y'all! What's up? I hope you all have a good week. Just wanted to say yo! OK bye!
P.S. My editor (aka my brother) is forcing me to write more...:( this stupid poem. Brothers...why do they force us women to do work?!?! Does he understand that I'm AT LEAST COMMUNICATING WITH YOU? ISN'T THAT GOOD? I hope so...if not...wait till we go home, buddy. I got a big surprise if not >:)
i get bored all day
thinking i've got a ton of play
but when my brother comes i say
hey! what the heck are you doing?
puppy said, can't you see i'm pooing?
woofy said, that's a lot of doing
whoopy doo doo!
i don't need your foo!
hate that doo doo
i'm so bored boo hoo.
Hey y'all. Isn't that the stinkiest poem ever? Ok, I can write better but I didn't want to write one, that's why it's all sappy. I know, I know...I'm better than I'm showing you, but WHO CARES BUT ME? Ok, I must go because my bro says it's too long (hahahha I'm lying, he didn't say that, I just wanna check my mail). hahahahhahahhahha XD I'm hilarious in my little ways and no, I'm not that disgusting in real life; ask my friends. they'd probably say yes(especially Joshua Allen Ko) and you'd say ....ok. hahahahahhahhahahhahaha...ok i'm tired of sicking writing. Bye bye.
-Allyson Ko
p.s.s. i will write another post, but it will be better than this. I'm just hecka tired, ya know? bye...FOR REAL :D
P.s.s.s. read the bottom and doesn't my brother make me sound bad? I feel like a fugitive!!!!!! what's next? i'm going to jail or azkaban?(read harry potter FYI)or alcatraz?!?!?!(that'll be horrible with all those tourists thinking i'm a stunt playing a bad prisoner when I AM!
(_____) nice snow man, huh?
NOTE: The views of this column do not necessarily reflect the views, concerns, and positions of the Josh and Ally Ko Company.