Welcome to the online archive for The Life and Times of Josh and Ally! Here you can catch up on our monthly newsletter as you read about everything that's happening with the Josh and Ally Ko Company. To subscribe, email jandakocompany@yahoo.com
JUNE 2010- VOL. 1, ISSUE 1
JULY 2010- VOL. 1, ISSUE 2: The second issue of our newspaper for non-BCBC readers is out! Learn all about Flower Dog Song, P.A.R.T., and what's going on with Ally! Enjoy!
AUGUST 2010- VOL. 1, ISSUE 3: Issue 3 is here! Ally writes about her trip down to SoCal, we find out all about the Ko House, P.A.R.T. is discussed again, and find out how Youth Sunday went.
SEPTEMBER 2010- VOL. 1, ISSUE 4: In the fourth issue, learn about our new web series, Adventure City, as well as missions and what Puppy and Woofy are up to.
OCTOBER 2010- VOL. 1, ISSUE 5: When Ally met Walt Disney...meanwhile, find out just how the Ko Productions Podcast is created and learn how the writing process is going for Adventure City.
NOVEMBER 2010- VOL. 1, ISSUE 6: Lizard hunters? That's just one of the crazy things in the newsletter this month. Ally discusses halloween, home runs, and Harry Potter, while Josh writes about faith and awesome adventures.